Stakeholder forums
The stakeholder forums are established in each of the three case studies to formalize stakeholder engagement as an essential component of the cp³ project. The stakeholder forums serve the purpose of supporting the project in the planning and coordinating the research activities in the different case studies.
Biosphere reserve Spreewald, Germany
- Michael Petschick, Acting director Biosphere reserve Spreewald, Landesumweltamt Brandenburg State
- Nico Heitepriem, Management board member Bürgerstiftung Kulturlandschaft Spreewald
- Rainer Schloddarick, Managing director Wasser und Bodenverband Oberland Calau
- Thomas Göbel, Managing director Göritzer Agrar GmbH, Member Bauernverband
- Anja Krüger, Project manager cluster tourism, Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH
Nature park Jauerling Wachau, Austria
- Brigitte Habermann, Managing director Naturpark Jauerling Wachau
- Johannes Buchberger, Amtsleiter Maria Laach, Farmer
- Edmund Binder, Mayor Maria Laach, President Naturpark Jauerling Wachau
- Johannes Höfinger, Mayor Raxendorf
- Josef Kronsteiner, Mayor Emmersdorf, Farmer
- Markus Gschwandner, Farmer, Direct marketing of local cereal products
- Alfred Schwendinger, Head organic product marketing association EVI Naturkost HandelsgmbH, Organic farmer
- Hannes Seehofer, Project officer environmental conservation projects, Arbeitskreis Wachau
Berg en Dal region as part of National Landscape Gelderse Poort, Netherlands
- Tiny Wigman, Via Natura landscape fund
- Bart Willers, De Ploegdriever
- Maarten Merkus, Department of Nature and Landscape Berg en Dal
- Eric Marsman, Water board Rivierenland