The cp3 project cooperates with the following other research projects:
BASIL and STACCATO are two of the 9 sister projects of cp³ which are also funded though the BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI 2013-2014 joint call. GINKOO and STRATES do also research in the biosphere reserve Spreewald which is one of the case studies in the cp³ project.
Landscape-scale biodiversity and the balancing of provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services (cooperation with work package 3).
More information is available here.
Contacts: Roland Olschewski, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas
Innovation partnership Ginkoo: Designing integrative innovation processes: New institutional and regional forms of coordination for sustainable land management (cooperation with sub-project 4, work package 4).
More information is available here
Contacts: Rosemarie Siebert, Maria Busse
Sustaining agricultural change through ecological engineering and optimal use of natural resources
More information is available through the STACCATO project website here
Contact: Josef Settele, Anja Schmidt
Sustainable oriented land management strategies in German Biosphere Reserves
More information is available here
Contact: Claudia Bethwell