Organized events / workshops
Organization of the national stakeholder workshop Netherlands
Conference location: Berg en Dal, Netherlands
Date: April 19-20, 2018
Workshop description
Organization of a webinar as an online event
Webinar title: ‘Networking for the landscape: The potential of collaborative governance in addressing institutional misfit in the provision of ecosystem services’
Date: April 16, 2018
Webinar website
Webinar hosted by: Eklipse network
Webinar recordings of the live event are available on YouTube:
The Dutch case study Berg en Dal
The Austrian case study Jauerling-Wachau
The German case study Spreewald
Organization of the national stakeholder workshop Austria
Conference location: Maria Laach, Austria
Date: March 23, 2018
Workshop programm
Organization of a satellite workshop at the Landscape 2018 conference
Conference website
onference location: Berlin, Germany
Workshop title: ‘Nature conservation 2.0: collaboration instead of regulation?’
Date: March 12, 2018 (morning)
Workshop programm
Organization of the national stakeholder workshop Germany at the Landscape 2018 conference
Conference website
Conference location: Berlin, Germany
Workshop title: Nature conservation 2.0: Collaboration instead of regulation?
Date: March 12, 2018 (afternoon)
Workshop programm
Co-organization of a field trip to the Spreewald region at the Landscape 2018 conference
Conference website
Conference location: Berlin, Germany
Workshop title: Nature conservation 2.0: Collaboration instead of regulation?
Date: March 12, 2018 (afternoon)
Workshop program
Organization of session debate at 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas (ISRPA)
Conference website
Session title: Protected areas governance and ecosystem services
Date: November 2, 2017
Location: Salzburg, Austria
Conference program
Organization of WP2/WP5 stakeholder workshop in Spreewald, Germany
Workshop title: Collaborative governance approaches in the Spreewald region
Workshop location: Lübbenau, Germany
Date: April 27, 2017
Workshop description
Organization of WP2/WP3/WP4 stakeholder workshop in Spreewald, Germany
Workshop title: Agricultural production practices in the Spreewald region: which effects do they have on the provision of ecosystem services and how do they get affected by existing governance approaches?
Workshop location: Lübbenau, Germany
Date: April 20, 2017
Workshop description
Organization of students’ atelier in Spreewald, Germany
Students’ atelier title: The Spreewald meadows: their importance for and usage by stakeholders in the Spreewald region
Atelier locations: Neu Lübbenau and Lübben, Germany
Dates: March 13-17, 2017
Atelier description
Co-organization of thematic session at the European Ecosystem Service Conference
Conference website
Conference theme: Helping nature to help us
Conference location: Antwerp, Belgium
Session title: The governance of ecosystem services: Methods to understand, inform development, and support successful implementation
Date session was held: September 22, 2016
Session description
Organization of cp³ colloquium at ZALF
Title of the colloquium: How is agricultural land use affected by different governance approaches and how does that impact on the provision of ecosystem services?
Date colloquium was held: October 11, 2016
Location: Müncheberg, Germany
A short description of the colloquium is available here.
Co-organization of thematic session at the 8th ESP world conference
Conference website
Conference theme: Ecosystem services for nature, people and prosperity
Conference location: Stellenbosch, South Africa
Session title: Governance of Ecosystem Services: Multiple actors at multiple levels of hybrid governance approaches – Who is in and why?
Date session was held: November 10, 2015
Session description